
H-L9-13 FLIPS (Sep 28-29 by Mark)

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  • Free
  • What is this food called?
  • Why do many people put that at home or at work?
    To get some money or to be lucky in the FUTURE! www
  • Find the PANDA (20 seconds) No other team.
    11th row - 9th down
  • Name 6 country flags that have stars and moons. 45 seconds (Close your eyes)
    Turkey, Singapore, Pakistan, USA, China, New Zealand, Australia, Israel, Malaysia, Brazil....
  • What is the name of this logo? What do they sell?
    Bentley (They sell cars.)
  • Guess the next three letters. (1 minute)
    Answer: I, T, S. The complete sequence is the first letter of every word in the sentence.
  • F-L9-13 FLIPS (Sep 20-21 by Andrew)
  • Where can you see those temples?
  • View the picture carefully because we have a logical question for you. Do you think how much a car costs? (1 minute)
  • What was this USED for?
    Hearing Aid
    Make Bubbles
  • This country almost changed their flags to this one. Which country was it?
    New Zealand (They thought their present one looked too much like the Australian one).
  • What does this mean in ASL? (American Sign Language)
    Spell a word.
    Take a walk.
    I can swim.
    Go away.
  • What BREED of dog is this dog?
    It is a noodle.
    It is a poodle.
    It is a google.
    It is a doggie.