
Phrasal verbs

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  • For our next vacations, we ... this very nice hotel in Prague.
    booked into
  • "Feria del disco", a classic record store chain, ... in 2014.
    closed down
  • You need to ... your project by next Thursday.
    hand in
  • My sister is travelling to Spain next week, so we're all ... her ... at the airport that day.
    seeing off
  • I recently learned that they are ... staff
    taking on
  • Students, your time is ..., you have 5 minutes to finish your tests.
    running out
  • For my thesis, I have to ... a ton of references.
    look up
  • My response was very short, so I had to ... it ... a bit.
    pad out
  • I was telling her good morning, but then she ... on me. How rude!
    hung up
  • I am going to ... in Boston before flying to New York.
    stop over