
Lord of the Rings: Book II

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  • What does Gandalf tell Frodo about the background of the Black Riders?
    They were once the nine mortal kings.
  • What is the decision of the council concerning the ring?
    It must be destroyed./It must be thrown into the fires of Mount Doom.
  • What was Moria?
    A great Dwarven kingdom. A Dwarven mithril mine.
  • What is the significance of the name change from Moria to Khazad-dum?
    It became a place of death and evil. (Dum=Doom)
  • Who is Galadriel?
    Queen of Lothlorien. Bearer of one of the 3 Elven rings.
  • What conditions must the company agree to before being permitted to travel through Lothlorien?
    Gimli must be blindfolded. Aragorn and Legolas are responsible for Gimli.
  • At the end of the book, who betrays Frodo?
  • Who saves Frodo with the flood in the forge and cures his injuries?
  • What races are represented at the Council at Rivendell?
    Hobbit, Mortal Men, Elve, Dwarve, Wizard
  • What type of Elves are the Elves of Lothlorien?
    Tree or wood elves. Silvan elves.
  • At the end of the book, who is going with Frodo to Mordor?
  • What wound does Gimli receive in leaving Lothlorien?
    A broken heart.
  • What is the mirror of Galadriel?
    A basin of water.
  • Who are the nine members of the Fellowship of the Ring?
    Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf
  • What is the inscription on the one ring? (word for word)
    One ring to rule them all,/One ring to find them,/One ring to bring them all,/and in the darkness bind them.
  • Which of the characters at the council wishes to use the ring to defeat the Dark Lord?
  • What is the purpose of the meeting at Rivendell?
    To decide what to do with the ring.
  • What decision must the company make at the end of the book?
    Which way to go.
  • At the end of the book, where is Frodo going now that he has parted from the Fellowship?
  • What happens to Gandalf?
    He is pulled down into the abyss with the Balrog.
  • What will happen to Galadriel if Frodo destroys the ring?
    She will lose her powers and fade from Middle Earth.
  • Who owned the original 20 rings? (number and owner)
    3 Elves, 7 Dwarves, 9 Mortal Men, 1 to rule them all
  • What gift does Gimli request from Galadriel?
    A strand of her hair.
  • What disguise does Gollum use as he follows the company along the Great River?
    a log