
Belief systems

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  • The place of worship for Buddhism?
  • The "Om" symbol belongs to what religion?
  • The doctrine or belief in one supreme god.
  • Islam considers which two religions "People of the Book"?
    Judaism and Christinaity
  • TRUE OR FALSE: Hindus' belief that there is one god but in many different forms?
  • What is the Holy Book of Islam?
  • Confucius preached strict social order, including the idea that women were ___ than men.
  • Polytheism means...
    belief in many gods
  • where are Muslims guided to visit at least once
  • Who is the founder of Hinduism?
    We don't know
  • Who is considered the founder of Buddhism?
    Siddharta Gautama AKA Buddha
  • What are the Five Pillars of Islam
    Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj
  • Buddha said that to end suffering, one must follow the what?
    The Eightfold Path
  • India gave birth to two of our Belief Systems. Which two belief systems were they?
    Hinduism and Buddhism
  • The crescent and the star belongs to what religion?
  • The "Dharma wheel" belongs to what religion?
  • Which two belief systems that we studied are considered philosophies more so than religions and why?
    Buddhism and Confucianism. They don't have a belief in a God or God(s), just belief on how one should live their own lives.
  • Place of worship for Hinduism
  • What is the Holy Book of Buddhism?
  • According to Hinduism, what happens happens once a soul has gone through all the cycles of reincarnation?
    The soul becomes one with Brahman - Moksha (Nirvana)
  • Followers of Islam are called?
  • Who is considered the founder of Islam?
    Prophet Muhammad
  • What popular idea of Hinduism did Buddhism reject?
    The Caste System
  • What is the difference between a religion and a philosophy?
    Religions have a belief in a supreme being, or God(s), while philosophies do not.