
Nate the Great and the Boring Beach Bag

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  • Who wrote the story? (First name)
  • Which beach critter drinks human blood? 
    sand flies
  • What is the tide?
    The rise and all of the sea.
  • How does Nate feel about Oliver?
    He is a pest.
  • Who is on a diet?
  • What does Oliver change his mind about at the end of the story?
    Following people.
  • What is a tsunami?
    giant waves
  • What is the setting of the story?
    the beach
  • Why did Oliver leave his bag on the beach?
    To buy a glass of water.
  • How is this book similar to Nate the Great and the Case of the Fleeing Fang?
  • Why did Oliver pause before going up to the refreshment stand?
    Fang was there.
  • What is missing from Oliver's beach bag? Name 3.
    clothes, shoes, and a seashell
  • Why is Esmerelda swimming?
    She is hiding from Oliver.
  • How does Oliver describe his beach bag? Two words.
    blue and boring
  • How is this book different than Nate the Great and the Case of the Fleeing Fang?
  • What is odd about Rosamond's restaurant?
    All the food has sand/made from the beach
  • What is the problem in the story?
    Oliver's beach bag is missing
  • What was the clue that helped Nate solve the case?
    Annie running on the beach.
  • Name one food from Rosamond's restaurant.
    sandwich with sand, water with sand, seaweed soup
  • Why is the sand in Hawaii black?
    From volcanic rock