
J6B unit 7-8 review

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  • A boy child is a ____.
  • Who said, "I will get the diamond. I will be king!"
    Prince Torgan
  • Ask another team a question. Start with: What do you think of...?
  • Ask someone in your team to give you a pencil. Be very polite
    May I borrow your pencil?/ Could I please borrow your pencil?
  • This word means 'extremely ugly'. It's an adjective
  • Ask your friend in J6B a question. Start with: Do you like...?
  • I-watch-TV-3 hours. (use the correct grammar)
    I've been watching TV for 3 hours.
  • What is he using?
    bow and arrow
  • A gun, a knife, an axe are all examples of...
  • Who said, "Help! I can't swim"
    Queen Karina
  • I - do - homework - 2 hours. I'm very tired. (use the correct grammar)
    I've been doing my homework for two hours. I'm very tired.
  • Read: won, colour, above
  • She-learn-English-5 years. (use the correct grammar)
    She's been learning English for 5 years.