
French 1 - Class Expectations

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  • What is the policy on headphones in class?
    Nope, can't have them in class.
  • What is the third consequence when breaking a rule in French class?
    Guidance referral / detention
  • How can I earn extra points for rewards? (1 correct answers will count)
    - Show extra kindness to your peers - Notebook check - Completing work on time
  • How many points for rewards can I get from participation?
    10 points
  • Where should I keep my notebook?
    In the classroom, on the shelf.
  • When is Madame BARRUT's office hours?
    Wednesday from 11:50-12:10
  • What are the required materials for this class?
    Composition notebook (stays in class) - Charged Chromebook - Writing utensils
  • How much time do I have to complete my homework?
    The day it is due or until the end of the week with penalty.
  • What is the first consequence when breaking a rule in French class?
    A warning or 1-on-1 talk.
  • How many points can I get from doing my bell ringers?
    5 points per week, but all must be completed unless absent
  • What is the last consequence when breaking a rule in French class?
    Office referral
  • How can I lose points for rewards in this class?
    Don’t follow the class expectations
  • How many points can get the class a Pause Cafe?
    2000 points
  • Who do I contact in case of an absence?
    Ms. Fritz at
  • How should each students' desks be before they leave? (1 correct answer will get you the points)
    Desks should be clean and lined up properly for the next class.
  • What is the second consequence when breaking a rule in French class?
    Call to parents