
Must and Have To

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  • I am broke, I _____ borrow some money. (have to/must)
  • I _____ leave early because  the train leaves at 7:00 am  (have to/ must)
  • Teacher: 'You _____ arrive on time for class.' (have to/must)
    have to
  • All the students _____obey the school rules. (must/ have to)
    have to
  • You _______ stop at the red light. (must/ have to)
    have to
  • Mr. Dickson is travelling abroad this summer, so he _____ get his passport soon. (has to/must)
    has to
  • I _____ eat more fruit and vegetables and do more exercise to feel better. (have to/must)
  • have to
  • Snow has blocked the roads. We _____ stay here until it's cleared. (have to/must)
    have to
  • I have a terrible headache, so I____ leave early. (have to/ must)
  • Do you _____ work next weekend? (have to/ must)
    have to
  • Bicyclists _____ remember to signal when they turn. It's the law. (have to/ must)
    have to
  • We ________ remember to take the chicken out of the freezer. We need it for the dinner. (have to/ must)
  • If you are under 13 you _____ get your parents' permission to go on a school trip. (have to/must)
    have to
  • Mrs. Parks can't see very well. She_____ wear glasses. (must/have to)
    has to
  • have to
  • It's raining outside. Tim _________take his umbrella.(must / have to)
  • Those pants are too small for you. You_____ return them. (must/ have to)
  • have to