
The speech mechanism

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  • How many shapes can the vocal folds adopt? Name them
    4 (Wide apart, light contact, closely together and narrow glottis)
  • When the uvula is lowered.... Which sounds does it produce?
    Nasal sounds
  • An example of voiced sounds
    / d/; /b/; /g/
  • Which are the resonators?
    The oral cavity, the nasal cavity and the pharynx
  • Which shape does the vocal folds adopt when you want to produce a voiced soun?
    Light contact
  • What are the upper teeth used for?
    To interfere with or stop the air-flow with the help of the tongue or the lower lips
  • When the uvula is raised... Which sound does it produce?
    Vocal sounds
  • Name the parts of the palate
    Alveolar ridge, hard palate and soft palate
  • An example of voiceless sound
    / p /; / t /; /k/
  • Which shape does the vocal fold adopt when you want to produce a voiceless sound?
    Wide apart