
Country Places

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  • The country is _________ the city. a. inside b. outside
  • What grows here?
    Vegetables grow in the garden.
  • What lives here?
    Animals live in a barn.
  • What is this place?
    It is a corral.
  • What is this place?
    It is a farm.
  • What is this place?
    It is an orchard.
  • What is this place?
    It is a field.
  • Who lives in a pen?
    Pigs live in a pen.
  • What is this place?
    It is a shed.
  • What can you keep in here?
    Tools are kept in a shed.
  • What is this place?
    It is a barn.
  • Where is this place?
    It is in the country.
  • What is this place?
    It is a garden.
  • Who lives here?
    A family lives in the farmhouse.
  • What grows here?
    Apples grow in the orchard.
  • What grows here?
    Corn grows in a field.
  • What is this place?
    It is a pen.
  • Who can run in the corral?
    Horses run in the corral.
  • What is this place?
    It is a farmhouse.