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  • This is another_______that isn't going to work.
    half-baked idea
  • The project ____________ when we realized the manufacturer had stopped producing the part we needed.
    suffered a setback
  • I feel as if I've _________ nothing since I left my job.
  • The young __________ launched his first company age 12 and has earned over 40,000.
  • Bob was being considered for the promotion, but he________ when he came in late to work each day this week.
    blew it
  • someone who tries to get power or an advantage in every situation
    an opportunist
  • Cutting-edge science and__________ scientists are already working on ways to improve humanity through science.
  • I've been _________ this job offer for days, but I still haven't decided what to do.
    chewing over
  • to be certain to fail
    to be doomed to failure
  • You're never going to find real success unless you're willing to________ now and then.
    take a risk
  • Firstly, that it would have been ________ for the killer to enter from the door here unseen.
    quite a feat