
USHA Unit 6 Test Review

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  • The Middle Passage of Triangular Trade is where missionaries traveled to spread their religion. True or False?
    False! It is where enslaved Africans were transported to the Americas.
  • The 1783 Treaty of Paris gave the US control over all land between the Tennessee River and the Atlantic Ocean. True or False?
    False! It gave the US control of land between the Mississippi River and the Appalachians
  • Who believed the national gov't created by the Constitution would be too powerful and would eliminate the power of states?
  • New England colonies were founded primarily for economic reasons. True or False?
    False! Religious reasons
  • One of the key reasons for the establishment of the 13 English colonies was mercantilism. True or False?
  • The Land Ordinance of 1785 gave lands back to Native Americans previously taken by colonists. True or False?
    False! The ordinance generated revenue for the U.S. to pay off Revolutionary War debt.
  • The Great Awakening caused many Americans to believe that church and state should be governed as one. True or False?
    False! It led many Americans to believe in the separation of church and state.
  • The period of Salutary Neglect was a time where colonies were allowed to expand west. True or False?
    False! Time period where British law was loosely or not enforced on the colonies.
  • What agreement determined a state's representation in Congress?
    The Great Compromise
  • Which Revolutionary War battle was led by General W. Howe and resulted in British General Burgoyne to surrender?
    Battle of Saratoga
  • Which of the following was a response to the Boston Tea Party? The Intolerable Acts or the Stamp Act?
    The Intolerable Acts
  • Which Revolutionary War battle was led by George Washington and was a surprise attack on December 25, 1776 in New Jersey?
    Battle of Trenton
  • The Proclamation of 1763 forbade settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. True or False?
  • This was an economic concept where the British colonies were moneymakers for the mother country.
  • This event motivated political leaders to seek change in the government to avoid mob rule.
    Shay's Rebellion
  • Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were inspired by John Locke's ideas. True or False?
  • This was adopted by Congress in 1777 and gave individual states more power than the national government.
    Articles of Confederation
  • The Monroe Doctrine opposed European colonization in the western hemisphere. True or False?
  • The creation of the First Bank of the United States occurred during John Adam's presidency. True or False?
    False! George Washington's presidency
  • Which Revolutionary War battle ended the American Revolution?
    Battle of Yorktown
  • What heavily influenced American colonists' ideas about government and established the concept of constitutional government?
    The English Bill of Rights