
Meltdown Madness

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  • Jumble
    a pile that is not tidy; a state of confusion
  • Curiosity
    an unusual or odd thing
  • Describe
    to tell or write about; create a picture of in words
  • Snatch
    to take quickly or suddenly
  • Ability
    the power to do something; the quality of being able, skilled, or talented
  • Blazing
    burning fiercely or brightly
  • Bossy
    tending to tell others what to do
  • Honest
    truthful, real, or sincere
  • Replace
    to put in place of; to take the place of
  • Stiff
    not easy to bend
  • Ripple
    to move or flow in small waves
  • Relative
    a person who belongs to the same family as someone else
  • Warped
    bent or twisted out of shape, typically as a result of the effects of heat or damp
  • Aroma
    a pleasant smell
  • Realize
    to understand completely
  • Misshapen
    badly formed or shaped
  • Responsible
    expected to take care of particular duties and jobs; able to make the right decisions
  • Afford
    to have enough money to buy; be able to pay for
  • Strange
    unusual, odd, or peculiar; not known or familiar
  • Dreadful
    very bad, awful, or no good
  • Quote
    a passage of speech or writing that's repeated word for word