
Benchmark 4.2

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  • Where does Raul work?
    At a museum
  • (Unit 1) What is a straight line with things called
  • What is a small animal with six legs such as an ant or bee called
  • Veneta made a new name for the planet. What is the name?
  • (Unit 4) What are stars?
    Bright balls of gas
  • (Unit 5) Sparky started to dig, what was there?
  • What is new planet name?
    Planet X
  • Does Riley like to draw?
    Yes she does
  • Does Markel like meteorite or not?
    Yes, he likes them
  • (Unit 4) How many planets are in the solar system?
    Eight planets!
  • Who finds new planet?
  • (Unit 4) What planets are closest to the sun?
    The inner planets
  • Does Riley like to fold?
    No, she doesn't
  • Does Riley want to be an architect?
    Yes, she does