
Declaration of Independence

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  • What forced colonists to shelter and feed British troops?
    Quartering Act
  • What war caused the British to levy taxes on the colonists?
    French and Indian War
  • What was the event where the Sons of Liberty dressed up as Natives and dumped tea into the Boston Harbor?
    Boston Tea Party
  • What placed a tax on glass, tea, and paper?
    Townshend Acts
  • What placed a tax on tea?
    Tea Act
  • Who was voted in as the head of the Continental Army?
    George Washington
  • Who was the leader of the Boston Tea Party?
    Samuel Adams
  • What placed a tax on sugar and other luxuries?
    Sugar Act
  • What did the British call the Intorable Acts?
    Coercive Acts
  • What law/act did the First Continental Congress meet about?
    the Intolerable Acts
  • What was the meeting called where the colonists met to discuss independence and name an army leader?
    Second Continental Congress
  • What placed a tax on all printed material?
    Stamp Act
  • What did the British place on the town of Boston after the Boston Tea Party?
    The Intolerable Acts
  • Where did the First and Second Continental Congress meet?
  • The colonists were mad at the British for all the taxes. They came up with a quote as to why they were mad:
    No Taxation without Representation
  • What event between British troops and the colonists ended with the death of five colonists?
    Boston Massacre
  • The British did not want the colonists going past the Appalachian Mountains because of the
    Native Americans
  • What "prevented" the colonists from going west of the Appalachian Mountains?
    Proclamation of 1763
  • Where did the first shot (the shot heard round the world) happen that started the American Revolution?
    Lexington and Concord
  • Who drew propaganda to make the events of Boston seem like a massacre?
    Paul Revere