
Debate Summit6

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  • What is something no one wants?
    Hair Loss
  • What type of evidence is this? : Of the 27 driverless car accidents in California in 2017, 22 invovled the GM Cruise.
  • What does AREI stand for?
    Assertion, Reasoning, Evidence, Impact
  • What is a third speaker not allowed to do?
    Introduce new arguments and/or evidence.
  • "The Avengers can't be the most powerful superheroes because they fight against each other. A team is not powerful if the members are fighting each other." Is this an example of a defensive or offensive refutation?
  • Name two types of impacts
    Size, Severity, Duration, Probability, Reversibility
  • What type of evidence is this? : In 2018, The Guardian reported that a self-driving Uber car ran over a female pedestrian in Arizona.
  • What is a WEAK POI you should NEVER ask?
    How/What do you think about that?
  • Which speaker is able to define important words in the resolution, also called "narrowing the ground." ?
    Pro First SPeaker
  • What type of evidence is this? : Jeff Muttart of the Connecticut's Cash Safety Research Center says, "For maximum traffic flow, everyone needs to be at the same speed and maintain consistent seperation."
    Expert Opinion
  • How can you identify clash points?
    SImilar assertions and/or impacts
  • What does the Con 1st Speaker do?
    2 Arguments, 2 Refutations
  • Which speaker should have the longest arguments?
    First speaker
  • What is impact calculus?
    Figuring out which impact is more important.
  • "Not all the Avengers are powerful. Some, like Hawkeye, don't have any superpowers." Is this an example of a defensive or offensive refutation?
  • What is the best dance?
    Tanuk Tanuk Tun
  • What newest video calms the Summit class down? (Supposedly)
    Sensory Dancing Fruit
  • What is Summit's favorite animal?
  • What does the Pro 1st Speaker do?
    2 Arguments
  • What is David's favorite passtime?
    Gardening, duh.
  • What counts as an insta-strike?
    Throwing things/hitting the door stopper
  • Name one thing you should NOT do when citing evidence.
    Make up evidence. Bias source. Only use evidence. Use search engine sources. State the entire website address.
  • What do the third speakers do?
    Clashpoints/Convince the judge who to vote for
  • Name one thing you SHOULD do when citing evidence.
    Say the full name/year. Use reliable sources. Strongest piece of evidence. Link evidence to the argument.