
What do people do on weekends?

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  • How did Sabina and her friends go home?
    By taxi
  • Do women drink alcohol in Beijing?
  • What time did Sabina and her friends get home?
    At 2.00
  • What did Sabina, Lali and Anna talk about?
    They talked about Lali's problems.
  • What did they eat?
    Coffee, apple cake and wine
  • How did Sharon and her friends go home?
    By car
  • What kind of restaurant was Pink Loft?
    A Thai restaurant
  • Sabina wore...
    a black sweater and trousers
  • Where did Sharon go?
    She went to Pink Loft.
  • What did Sharon, Nicole and Hujia talk about?
    They talked about their love lives, fashion and literature.
  • What time did Sharon leave the bar?
    At 12.00
  • Sharon and her friends are from...
  • What did Sharon and her friends drink?