
Money - Australia

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  • What is the total value of the coins?
  • What is $34.20 + $75.90?
  • What is the change from $10 if I spent $7.15?
  • Round $9.97 to the nearest five cents
  • I brought a salad roll for $4.25 and a drink for $3. What is my change from $10?
  • I brought 6 cupcakes for $12. What is the cost of one cupcake?
  • Round $8.02 to the nearest five cents
  • After buying AFL cards for $3, Fred had $15 left. How much money did Fred have to begin with?
  • What is the change from $5 if I spent $3.85?
  • What is $12.45 + $24.70?
  • How much change would I get from $5 if I spent $3.85?
  • Is there enough money to buy the berries?
  • Round $4.23 to the nearest five cents
  • I have a fifty cent, 2 x twenty cent, ten cent coin in my pocket. What is the total value of my coins?
  • Jack brought three dog tags for 15 cents each. He gave the cashier one dollar. How much change should he get?
    55 cents
  • Lily buys this loaf of bread and pays with a $5 note. How much change will Lily get?
  • Lucy had $12.40 and Matt had $13.10. How much money do they have altogether?
  • What is the total value of $6.15 + $3.10?
  • What is the change from $10 if I spent $6.35?
  • Is there enough money to buy the cupcakes?
  • Round $7.14 to the nearest five cents
  • What is the change from $5 if I spent $2.95?
  • I brought a sandwich for $8.50 and a hot chocolate for $3.85. I pay with a $20 note. How much change should I get?
  • What is the total value of the coins?
  • If I get 10 cents for every bottle I recycle, how much money would I have if I recycled 19 bottles?
  • What is $3.25 + $2.15?
  • I have 3 fifty cent pieces and 4 twenty cent coins in my purse. How much money do I have?
  • Give me a combination that makes up $1
    Answers will vary
  • Troy buys an ice cream and some popcorn at the cinema. He pays with a $10 note. How much change does he receive?