
Back to School

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  • What bothered you the most in 2021?
  • Best advice you received (if any)
  • Did you achieve a dream or something else you really wanted?
  • In 2021 I didn't...
  • Show a school supply that you are in love with.
  • What were the best books you read in 2021?
  • Name a movie/book that everyone should watch/read. Why?
  • Did you make new friends? Tell us about them!
  • Did something frightened you last year?
  • 2021 was...
  • What motivates you to work hard at school? What doesn’t motivate you, and how can we change it?
  • If you were to create art about 2021, what would it be like? Colorful? Gray? Beautiful? Ugly?
  • What makes you feel good about yourself when you’re at school?
  • Studying online is...
  • What's your favorite thing to talk about?
  • Do you enjoy making new friends or you prefer hanging with old ones?
  • Who are/were you most excited to see at school? Least excited? Why?
  • If you could make the rules at school, what would your top 3 rules be?
  • What's the best thing about your new school?
  • What would you say...You came in late to class, and the teacher was explaining how to do a project.
  • Who is your best teacher so far?
  • What was the most challenging thing that happened to you this past year?
  • Think of a project or assignment you really enjoyed.
  • What were your most valuable relationships last year?
  • Tell me about what lunch (or recess) was like today.
  • If you were your mom or dad, what would you say to "you" before school starts?
  • If you could take a class in anything, what would it be?
  • Is there any teacher you don't like?
  • In 2022, I want...
  • Flashback time! Tell us your favorite time at Talk to The World!
  • Do you feel that you've changed somehow from last year to 2022? How?
  • what do you wanna change this year?
  • Did you miss e-learning during the summer holiday? If yes, what did you miss most? If no, why not?
  • What was one unexpected joy you experienced in 2021?
  • What is one goal you have for yourself this year? Why?
  • If you had to change your name, what would your new name be?
  • 2022 will...
  • What was the last song you listened to?
  • What was the last book you read?
  • What was the best thing that happened to you this past year?
  • How are you feeling about school starting?
  • Are you satisfied with your school?
  • A special moment to remember about school last year
  • In 2021, I enjoyed...
  • If you could change one thing about school, what would it be?
  • Who is the best teacher you have this year (or have ever had)? What makes them a great teacher?
  • Were you ready to get up and be back in school on your first day?
  • How do you pretend you are paying attention in GoogleMeet?
  • Your soundtrack of 2021