
3rd Grade History Quiz A

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  • When John Smith was in charge of the colony he made a new rule, what was it?
    "He who will not work shall not eat!"
  • What food did Pocahontas provide for the colonists?
  • This was the terrible winter when many colonists starved
    Starving Time
  • The Native American princess who is said to have saved John Smith's life and helped to save Jamestown
  • Why did John Smith want the men to plant gardens?
    He knew the food on the boat would not last forever
  • What was Pocahontas's English name?
  • Why did the men known as 'gentlemen' come to America?
    They heard America was a land of great wealth
  • When John Smith returned from England after his accident, what did he do?
    He explored and made a map of New England
  • The first successful English settlement in the New World
  • This was the Native American chief who sold Pocahontas to Captain Argall for a copper pot.
    Chief Japazaws
  • This is the name of the captain who kidnapped Pocahontas
    Samuel Argall
  • This is the English settler in Jamestown who married Pocahontas
    John Rolfe
  • A person who has settled in a colony
  • A group of people ruled by their own country who settle in another land; a settlement
  • Who did Pocahontas warn when her father was planning an attack on Jamestown?
    John Smith
  • When was Jamestown founded?
  • This is what the people started calling the islands that Columbus had discovered.
    West Indies
  • Englishmen from wealthy families
  • What did the people of this time call India, part of Asia, and the Spice Islands?
    East Indies
  • Who was the king of England that wanted to form a colony in America?
    King James the 1st
  • A disease carried by mosquitos
  • John Smith made some changes in the colony that helped make it stronger. Name 2 of them.
    1. He made the fort stronger and made the walls of Jamestown stronger 2. He encouraged people to plant their own gardens 3. He dug a well in the forth
  • Who was the captain in charge of the ships that brought the colonists to Jamestown?
    Captain Newport
  • The chief leader of many Native American tribes surrounding Jamestown... also the father of Pocahontas. (I'VE GOT THE POWA....)
  • What were the names of the three ships that sailed to the New World from England?
    The Susan Constant, The Godspeed, and The Discovery