
Food & Drink

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  • Sapasui is a dish eaten by..
  • Sing a song from Adeaze
  • Finish the lyrics of this song composed by Ezra Tauaa. "..woke up to your message just this morning then I started crying even without yawning.."
    ".. I never thought I'd get this message for a long time.. I always used to think you'd always be mine"
  • What is New Zealand's fruit?
  • Funafuna usually has what inside.. and where does this dish originate from?
    Jam or nutella.. and it originates from the Island of Tuvalu
  • True or false.. Adeaze is a New Zealand R&B soul duo
  • Sing 15 SECONDS of a song that has the word "LOVE"
  • What brand of tomato sauce is in this picture?
  • Who is the primary mascot for McDonald's?
    Ronald McDonald
  • Who this New Zealand artist?
    Stan Walker
  • Sing 20 seconds of a song with the word "TURN"
  • Finish lyrics: "... Don't forget your roots my friend, don't forget torget your family.. don't forget your roots, my friend..'
    "The ones who made you.. the ones who brought you here"
  • L&P is a soft drink. What does it stand for?
    Lemon and Paeroa
  • Michael Jackson is the King of...
    King of Pop
  • What fast food restaurant boasts that you can "Have it your way"?
    Burger King
  • What is Otai? And where this dish originate from?
    Otai originates from the Island of Tonga. It is made from a mixture of water, coconut and a variety of tropical fruits.
  • Is tomato a fruit or vegetable?
    It is a FRUIT, this is because they form from a flower and contains seeds.
  • 'Poi e' is featured in what movie?
  • What is a Maori traditional meal?
    Hangi / boil up
  • Please do this tik tok.."duduke"
  • Name at least three main fast food restaurants in Oamaru..
    McDonalds / Dominoes / KFC / Subway ...