
EDUC2102 PASS week 5

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  • Give an example of primary knowledge.
    Knowledge we are biologically designed to acquire - eg learning language, recognising faces.
  • Define Intrinsic Load.
    The inherent complexity of the information.
  • TRUE OR FALSE: As educators, we want to reduce germane load to the absolute minimum.
    FALSE - that's how learning occurs!
  • What is Extraneous Cognitive Load?
    Comes from the instruction associated with the task - all the "extra stuff" not to do with the learned information itself.
  • In relation to Intrinsic Cognitive Load, what is Element Interactivity?
    The extent to which elements of the material relate to each other. (eg, a list of chemical symbols = low interactivity)
  • Give an example of secondary knowledge.
    Social, cultural, educational information.
  • Does cognitive load matter in primary or secondary knowledge acquisition?
    Secondary - primary knowledge acquisition tends to be unconscious and relatively effortless.
  • TRUE OR FALSE: We want to reduce extraneous load to an absolute minimum.
  • Define Germane Cognitive Load.
    The cognitive effort used to construct or amend schemas within long term memory.
  • What are some ways we can avoid cognitive load?
    Simplify task, clear and simple instructions, increase knowledge of learner (or make sure to teach the simpler stuff first), explicit instruction, avoid irrelev