
Week 1 Review!

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  • Name the "parts" of the Socio-Ecological model
    Individual, Relationship, Community, Societal
  • What are 3 good practices to help maintain professional boundaries with participants?
    Don't buy things from participants, set times for when they can contact you, don't volunteer personal contact information
  • Define "capacity building"
    helping participants and the community develop skills and increase their knowledge
  • Why might it be a liability to speak to a participant through an non-certified interpreter/translator?
    Translator could misunderstand the participant or you
  • What do you remember about the history of CHWs?
    Widespread strategy used to address health worker shortages across the world
  • How long have CHWs been around in the U.S?
    over 60 years!
  • How would you define a "Community Health Worker"?
    Frontline public health worker; trusted member of the community; liaison/bridge to resources & services
  • Define "health disparity"
    Differences in health among population groups
  • What is the difference between "chronic" and "infectious"?
    Chronic - long-lasting, generally not curable but manageable / Infectious - shorter-term, can be cured through medication/surgery
  • What is the "Federal Poverty Level" & how is it relevant to CHWs?
    A measure of income issued every year by DHHS used to determine eligibility to state and federal programs
  • What should you do if your participant informs you they are harming themselves or plan to harm themselves/others?
    Immediately report this to your supervisor ... immediately report to 3rd parties (mandated reporting)
  • Name 1 myth about suicide:
    You can't talk about it or they will want to die by suicide, You can't stop someone who has already thought about it, People who talk about it will never do it
  • Define "health inequity"
    Differences in health outcomes (health status/distribution of health resources) as a result of unmet SDoH; unjust, unfair, and preventable
  • What steps would you take if a participant mentioned having problems taking their medication?
    Identify the reasons/obstacles, Encourage them to call their provider
  • What are 4 examples of Social Determinants of Health
    Socio-economic status, Education, Neighborhood, Employment, Social Support, Access to Healthcare
  • Define ADLs & give examples
    Basic tasks that must be accomplished every day for an individual to thrive
  • Name the 5 stages of change
    Precontemplation; Contemplation; Preparation; Action; Maintenance
  • Define "food desert"
    a geographic location with little to no access to affordable and healthy food
  • Define "Code of Ethics"
    a guide of principles designed to help professionals conduct business with honesty and integrity; how we should approach problems
  • What should CHWs focus on when treating a person in crisis?
    The immediate presenting issue
  • Define Malnutrition
    Not having the appropriate amount of nutrients because of poor diet (can be over or undernutrition)
  • Define "cultural humility"
    acknowledging differences in cultures, accepting you are not the expert, and taking time to learn about other cultures
  • Name 2 examples of medication misuse:
    Skipping dosages, Doubling up on missed dosages, Not taking medications at all, Giving others you medication
  • What is "Structural Racism"?
    Situations where policy, practice, or other norms work in a way that reinforce inequity
  • A chronic disease where glucose levels are too high in the blood is called: