
Korean/English Translation (#29-57)(Test Review, ...

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  • 내 부모님은 엄격하지 않았다.
    My parents were not [weren't] strict.
  • 우리는 여자 배우들이었다.
    We were actresses.
  • 너는 지난 월요일에 학교에 없었니?
    Weren't you at school last Monday?
  • 나는 놀라지 않았다.
    I was not [wasn't] surprised.
  • 그 시험은 어려웠다.
    The test was difficult.
  • 그는 따뜻한 우유를 마신다.
    He drinks warm milk.
  • 너는 솔직하지 않았다.
    You were not [weren't] frank.
  • 그것은 날카롭지 않았다.
    It was not [wasn't] sharp.
  • 그들은 기뻤다.
    They were pleased.
  • 그녀는 버스 운전사 아니었나요?
    Wasn't she a bus driver?
  • 그는 나의 친한 친구였다.
    He was my close friend.
  • 그것들은 틀렸니?
    Were they wrong?
  • 너는 그때 베이징에 있었니?
    Were you in Beijing then?
  • 너는 지난주에 서울에 있었니?
    Were you in Seoul last week?
  • 그들은 우울하지 않았다.
    They were not [weren't] gloomy.
  • 그들은 부끄러웠다.
    They were ashamed.
  • 우리는 변호사들이었다.
    We were lawyers.
  • 어제는 날씨가 좋았다.
    The weather was good yesterday.
  • 너는 관대하지 않았다.
    You were not [weren't] generous.
  • 그것은 맛있지 않았니?
    Wasn't it delicious?
  • 그는 영리했니?
    Was he clever?
  • 너는 매력적이지 않았다.
    You were not [weren't] attractive.
  • 그는 이기적이었니?
    Was he selfish?
  • 그는 대통령이었다.
    He was a president.
  • 그녀는 무대 위에서 춤춘다.
    She dances on the stage.
  • 너는 어제 공항에 없었니?
    Weren't you at the airport yesterday?
  • 그것은 쓰지 않았니?
    Wasn't it bitter?
  • 그녀는 박물관에 없었다.
    She was not [wasn't] in the museum.
  • 그들은 짜증이 났다.
    They were annoyed.