
Science Jobs - NonFiction Reading G1.8

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  • What is a baby seed called?
    This is a seedling.
  • TRUE or FALSE: We get some medicine from plants.
    TRUE. Many plants' seeds, berries, roots, leaves & flowers have medicinal uses.
  • Name at least four science areas or jobs.
    vet, botanist, astronomer, ocean science, rock science, dinosaur science, computer science
  • What is a veterinarian? (vet)
    Vets study and help animals.
  • Why would a pet need to go on a special diet?
    If the animal is too fat, or has special needs, it may go on a diet.
  • What type of plant do we make a lot of clothes with?
    the cotton plant
  • What tool do we use to see the sky and stars with our eyes?
    a telescope
  • Which job is most interesting to you? Working with plants, animals or space?
    can vary
  • Name 3 things plants are used for?
    food, medicine and clothes (cotton plant)
  • What does a botanist study?
    A botanist studies plants.
  • Why is a botanists job important?
    (( They learn about plants and we need plants to stay healthy. ))
  • What do we have today up in space that helps scientists?
    The International Space Station
  • TRUE or FALSE: Vets only care for small animals?
    FALSE. Vets care for both small and large animals.
  • What do we call these?
    These are seeds.
  • How do plants help animals and humans?
    They help us stay healthy, they give us air and food.
  • What do astronomers study?
    Astronomers study what we see in the sky (planets, moons and stars).
  • What do plants make that helps us breathe?