
Q1U1: Analyzing Literature & Crafting a Narrativ ...

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  • context
    the circumstances surrounding an event or situation
  • narrative
    main idea
    to quote or reference something as evidence
    to briefly state the most important points
  • dialogue
    conversation between characters
  • theme
    the author's message; a life lesson
  • determine
    to discover or establish
  • foreshadowing
    clues about what will happen later in a text
  • implicit
    implied, not expressly stated
  • author
    the writer of a piece of text
  • mood
    the way a story makes a reader feel
  • textual evidence
    information from a source used to support an idea or position
  • connotation
    an idea or feeling associated with a word beyond its literal meaning
  • conflict
    a problem
  • tone
    the author's attitude toward a topic, revealed in his writing
  • flashback
    a scene in a story set in an earlier time than the main plot
  • denotation
    the dictionary definition of a word
  • imagery / sensory language
    descriptive words used to appeal to the five senses
  • explicit
    stated clearly and in detail
  • logical inference
    a reasonable conclusion based on evidence
  • characterization
    the process by which the writer reveals a character's traits
  • prediction
    a logical conclusion about what will happen in the future
  • plot
    sequence of events in a story
  • point of view
    the perspective from which a story is told
    stated clearly and in detail
    a reasonable conclusion based on evidence
    to discover or establish
  • narrator
    the character telling a story
  • traits
    an individual's qualities
  • summarize
    to briefly state the most important points
  • setting
    where and when a story takes place
  • cite
    to quote or reference something as evidence
  • central idea
    main idea
  • analyze
    to examine something carefully and break it down for better understanding
  • pacing
    to quote or reference something as evidence
    to examine something carefully and break it down for better
    the speed at which the plot moves