
Constructive and Destructive

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  • "try holding your pencil like this and see if that feels more comfortable when you write"
    constructive, offering them a new way to do something
  • "your driving is crazy!"
    destructive, could be said nicer
  • it's not nice to laugh about that, it could hurt someone's feelings
  • "you're so rude!"
    destructive, could be said nicer
  • "your room is a disaster!"
    destructive, could be said nicer
  • "the eyes on your drawing are so creepy"
    destructive, could be stated in a more helpful way
  • You look tired
  • you're really immature
  • "keep practicing drawing eyes and you'll improve! art takes time"
    constructive, trying to help
  • "I think what you said hurt his feelings. Is there a nicer way you could have spoken to him?"
    constructive, calmly letting someone know how they came across
  • "I think that your room could be cleaned up a bit better, do you need help?
  • Hey Brandy, I'm talking to Olivia. Can you hold on one second?
  • "if you're interested in being healthy you can eat more fruit and veggies"
    constructive, you're trying to help someone
  • You have smudge on your face right there
  • that outfit might not be warm enough, do you want a jacket?
  • When you notice your parent looking at their phone while driving and you say "when you're driving, keep your eyes on the road and remember to use your blinker."
  • Will you shut up, I'm talking!
  • "can you wait until I'm done talking with Janai first and then we can talk?"
    constructive, kind way to let someone know to not interrupt
  • I noticed you putting your head down in class, are you getting enough rest?
  • "your handwriting is so sloppy"
    destructive, comes across as rude
  • "you never let me finish talking!"
    destructive, could say it in a nicer way
  • "you always eat junk food for lunch"
    destructive, comes across as rude
  • you're a weirdo