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  • What's this?
  • Report the following statement: "I don't like this dress." She - him
    She told him she didn't like that dress.
  • ed or ing? She's confus________ by all the questions
  • Make a speculation about the following picture:
    She must be angry
  • a piece of writing in which students write about a particular subject
  • Why is she sad? Make an speculation
  • to take or send something to a person's home
  • Complete the following conditional: If I miss tthe flight...
    I will...
  • Report the following sentence: "I want a refund." I...
    I said I wanted a refund
  • What's this person occupation?
    Flight attendant
  • Make the following sentence into passive voice: Someone stole my book.
    My book was stolen
  • Where are they?
  • ed or ing? It was a terrif________ experience.
  • ed or ing? This question isn't confus_________
  • What is a delay?
    something that has been postponed or late
  • Make the following sentence into passive voice: People speak English and French in Canada
    French and English are spoken in Canada.
  • Complete the following conditional: There would be less traffic in the city if...
  • to take or send something back because you don't like it
  • the piece of paper you get after you pay for something
  • the number or letter that show how good your work or performance was
  • Report the following statement: "I'm wearing jeans and a T-shirt." She...
    She said she was wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
  • Complete the following conditional: If I miss the bus...
    I will
  • Report the following statement: "I wore my new jacket." He...
    He said he had worn his new jacket.
  • Complete the following conditional: If I had a car...
    I would..
  • ed or ing? I feel disappoint_____
  • Make an speculation with can't
  • Make and speculation with might
  • Define "boarding pass"
    a document provided by an airline during airport check-in