
How much do you know about Linkedin?

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  • It's good for a recruiter to see all my experiences, from when I started my job as a waiter to today as a programmer.
  • Is it a good idea to ask your boss and colleagues to leave a recommendation on your profile?
    True. Unless your boss hates you
  • Updating your Linkedin profile once a week increases the chances of getting the job of your dreams
    False. Update when there is something to update, if not better create content
  • Using keywords on your LinkedIn profile is like adding spices to your recipe.
    TRUE. Like pepper!
  • Whats up this photo? Its okey for Linkedin?
    False. Nice photo but... not for Linkedin
  • Joining LinkedIn groups on "Professional Adding Group" will improve your networking skills.
  • If you interact with all the posts in your feed on Linkedin. You will be considered a network professional!
    False. Interacting is great, but you need to post and be active
  • Using rocket emojis in your LinkedIn comments automatically makes you a "Career Launch Expert" and will give you more visibility and engagement on the network.
  • Creating regular content on LinkedIn is like sowing seeds: it takes time and patience before you see the fruits.
  • Posting on LinkedIn about your culinary exploits, like making the best instant pasta, shows your professional versatility.
    False. it's not instagram
  • If you constantly reject connection requests on LinkedIn, your profile will become more coveted and you will be advertised more.
  • Keeping your LinkedIn profile updated is like having a GPS updated: it helps you get to your career destination
    True. Keep going that way
  • On LinkedIn, using a fancy job title like "Innovation Ninja" can attract the attention of potential Jobs Offers
  • The more groups, the more possibility to connect with great professionals
  • Is it convenient to publish the QR of your profile on Linkedin?
    False. Why would they use the QR if they are already on Linkedin?