
Classroom Expectations

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  • Your Chromebooks is acting strange. What should you do?
    Do a quick GOOGLE SEARCH with a description of the problem; usually the solution will be provided!
  • You forgot to bring a CR book to class. What should you do?
    Your CR book should be in your mailbox! Feel free to grab a magazine or yellow textbook of excellent short stories!
  • What does it look like to SHOW RESPECT for OTHERS during journaling time?
    Avoid movements and sounds that could distract others. Model a positive attitude. Offer kind encouragement.
  • You need to use the restrrom. What should you do?
    That's what the 4-min. break is for! If it's an emergency, wait for a good time to interrupt Ms. Wyatt and ask to sign out for the restroom.
  • When are good times to go to the PVJH library?
    Before school. During study hall. In advisory. **BETTER YET: place books on hold and get an email when they are in!
  • When you pass people from this class in the hallway, what is the Spartan thing to do?
    Eye-contact. Smile. Nod. Say, "Hey!". Spread KINDNESS.
  • Can we bring birthday treats?
    YES! Bring in the list of ingredients or original packaging so classmates with allergies can see if they are able to enjoy the treat. AVOID ITEMS WITH PEANUTS
  • You didn't understand what we did in class today. What should you do?
    If you were too shy to raise your hand and ask a question, then email Ms. Wyatt or put a note on her desk to she can help you!
  • Can you cut through Mrs. VanLanduyt's classroom to get to Ms. Wyatt's classroom?
  • What are a few things good readers do as they read?
    Picture the story as they read. Pause at the end of chapters to summarize. Look for Signposts. Make connections to real life. Notice topics and themes.
  • It's time for class to start and Ms. Wyatt is in the hallway talking with a staff member. What should you do?
    Quietly begin table talk time. If Ms. Wyatt takes longer than a minute, open your binder and study!
  • What if I checkout a book that offends me or that my parent's wouldn't like me to read?
    Return the book immedialty and choose a different one!
  • What food and drinks are allowed in the ELA 7 classroom?
    A water bottle with WATER, gum, mints, and hard candies that fit in your mouth (no sticks)
  • What is special about our ELA 7 classroom from 7:20-7:32 a.m. daily?
    It's a SILENT and CALM atmosphere for reading silently, playing on your phone/computer, or laying your head down to nap. SILENT. PEACEFUL.
  • You don't like your grade in ELA 7. How do you get extra credit?
    There is no extra credit in ELA 7.
  • What does it look like to SHOW RESPECT for self, task, and others during choice reading?
    Doing YOUR best to improve as a reader. Keeping the classroom environment QUIET for reading. Having a book with you to read. Being an ACTIVE reader.
  • You don't like someone you are seated near in ELA 7. What should you do?
    In the real world, we must learn to appreciate all types of people and behaviors. Practice I AM statements and know this seating arramgent is temporary.
  • Are cell phones allowed in ELA 7?
    Only in backpacks or the parking lot. Phones in pockets, binders, etc. will be sent to the office. Period. No warnings.
  • Why won't Ms. Wyatt give us make-up work BEFORE we will be gone?
    Because until after 2nd hour, Ms. Wyatt doesn't know how much will be covered in class AND/OR if lesson plans need to be changed at the last minute!
  • If you are sharing an answer aloud to the class, what should that LOOK and SOUND like?
    Look at PEERS (not teacher). Speak in a PLAYGROUND LEVEL voice.
  • Identify 3 things you love about PVJH.
  • Is your ELA 7 mailbox ABOVE or UNDER your mailbox number?
  • You want to see which assignments can be revised in order to raise your grade AND improve your ELA skill. When is a good time to ask Ms. Wyatt?
    Don't ask Ms. Wyatt - just CHECK INFINITE CAMPUS. Ms. Wyatt leaves lots of comments in INF. CAMPUS and on graded work!
  • What does it look like to SHOW RESPECT for YOURSELF during journaling time?
    Push YOURSELF to use vocabulary and writing skills learned in class. Be willing to work hard and take risks with your writing. Don't be too shy to share.
  • What are the expectations during Choice Reading time in class?
    Silent. Eyes on book. Seated. Not distracting. READING and FOCUSING.
  • Oh no, you can't find your pencil! What should you do?
    Get an extra pencil from your mailbox. Check the supply shelf. Give a shoe to a classmate in trade for borrowing a pencil.
  • What if a classmate's birthday is shown on the monitor in the hallway?
    Remind Ms. Wyatt so we can sing to them and hear about their special plans!
  • What is expected immediately AFTER the Pledge of Allegience in ELA 7?
    Be seated and remain SILENT so you can hear announcements (if there are any).
  • How many minutes per day outside of ELA 7 class should you read?
    25 minutes per day on school days
  • You will be absent and want make-up work in advance. What should you do?
    Be patient and WAIT to check the Daily Agenda any time after 10:00 a.m. on the day(s) you are absent.
  • Share something you love about PVJH lunchtime!
    (Be sure to smile at the lunch ladies and say THANK YOU!)
  • What if I have to leave for a band/choir/orchestra lesson or to see the counselor?
    TAKE YOUR PASS WITH YOU. Tell your table where you're going. When you return, ask them what you missed.
  • What is the BEST thing about having so many teachers each day?
  • Your Chromebook is working SLOW or isn't working at all. What should you do?
    Close EVERY tab, shut it ALL the way off, and restart it. Make sure it charges for 7 hours per night so it updates, too!
  • You need a ruler and tape. Where should you look?
    On the supply shelf by the classroom door.
  • Why can't we go to the library during silent reading in ELA 7 class?
    Because reading is the most important part of our day, so we all need to be SEATING and READING during those valuable minutes!