
Back to School- Ice Breaker K-2

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  • What is your favorite cookie?
    My favorite cookie is ______________________.
  • What is your favorite animal?
    My favorite animal is ______________________.
  • What is your favorite fruit? What is your favorite vegetable?
    My favorite fruit is _______________. My favorite vegetable is __________.
  • What is your favorite game to play?
    My favorite game to play is _________________.
  • What do you like to do after school?
    After school I like to _______________________________.
  • What do you like about school?
    I like ___________________________.
  • What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
    My favorite flavor of ice cream is ____________________.
  • What is your favorite holiday?
    My favorite holiday is ________________________________.
  • When is your birthday?
    My birthday is _________________________.
  • What do you like about school?
    I like _______________________.
  • What is your favorite toy to play with?
    My favorite toy is ___________ because ______________.
  • What is your favorite color?
    My favorite color is _______________________.
  • What is something that makes you happy?
    Something that makes me happy is ___________________________.
  • Where is somewhere that you like to go?
    I like to go to ____________________.
  • What was the best thing that you did over the summer?
    Over the summer, I ________________________________________________.