
Conflict Resolution

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  • You got mad at someone and called them a mean name.
  • The person next to you keeps trying to talk when you are trying to do your work.
  • Someone is making noises to annoy you on purpose.
  • You were working in a group in class and someone said your idea was dumb.
  • Someone in your class said a bad word.
  • Your friend copied your answers and got higher scores than you.
  • Someone keeps interrupting you when you talk.
  • Someone laughed at you when you tripped and fell.
  • Someone in your class is making fun of your shoes.
  • Someone called you a mean name, and it hurt your feelings.
  • Your teacher gives you a score that is lower than you expected.
  • You want to use the iPad but your sister is using it.
  • Your brother keeps going into your room and using your stuff without asking you.
  • Your parents do not allow you to use the Internet at home.
  • The person next to you keeps tapping their pencil when you're trying to work.
  • Someone cut in front of you in line.