
Religion Chapter 6 and 7

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  • A time of joyful preparation where we await the first coming of the Son of God on Christmas
  • During Lent we grow closer to Jesus though _____________
    prayer, fasting, and penance
  • During Lent is a time to live out our _____________
    baptismal promises
  • During Lent, we are preparing for the ________
  • What color is used to represent Advent and Lent?
  • On November 2, the Church celebrates _______________. We remember ______________ especially those in our own _______ and parish
    All Souls Day; those who have died; family
  • What color is used to represent Christmas and Easter seasons (including Triduum)
  • We also show devotion to ___________________ through the year
    Mary and all the Saints
  • Triduum means ________ and it starts on ___________ and end the evening of ____________
    "three days"; Holy Thursday, Easter Sunday
  • This season begins on Christmas Day with the celebration of the birth of Christ.
  • What season is the Church's greatest and most important celebration?
  • What are the three special categories of celebrating the lives of Mary, the Saints, and the events in the life of Jesus?
    Memorials, Feasts, Solemnities
  • During what season do we celebrate that God is with us always
  • During the Triduum Season, we remember Jesus' _______________
    suffering, death, and celebrate His resurrection.
  • What are the two parts of Ordinary Time?
    Between Christmas and Lent and between Easter and Advent
  • This season is celebrated in two parts
    Ordinary Time
  • The season is called ordinary time because the weeks are ___________ as if they are in _____________ _________
    Ordered; number order
  • The church year is called the ____________
    Liturgical Year
  • An important solemnity during Ordinary Time is All Saints Day, ________________, when we remember and honor all those who were ____________________ and now share in eternal life
    November 1, faithful followers of Christ
  • Is a time to learn and follow the teachings of Christ in our daily lives
    Ordinary TIme
  • Celebrated in honor of the Saints on or near the day they died
  • During ordinary time, we use the color ____________ to remind us of the _____ and _____ that come from Christ
    green; life and hope
  • The church year is based on the _______ ____ ______ and the ________ of His life in the Liturgy
    life of Christ; celebration
  • Ordinary Time is a season we focus on ___________ and the _____. We look at them as holy examples, thank God for their lives, and ask them to pray for us.
    Mary; Saints
  • During Ordinary Time, we focus on the ______________ we read from one of the __________ in number order, chapter by chapter. Thus, we learn about the ________ of Jesus Christ
    Word of God; Gospels; whole life
  • In one Liturgical Year, we celebrate the ____________________
    whole life of Christ
  • The experts _____________ used to help him with the calendar made months with ____ or ___ days and gave February ____ days with one extra day every 4 years. This system is still used today and is called the _________________.
    Pope Gregory XIII; 30 or 31; 28; Civil/Gregorian Calendar
  • During Ordinary Time, we celebrate the _______________ and learn the ______________
    whole life of Christ; meaning of living as His disciple
  • This season begins on Ash Wednesday
  • The most important celebration
  • During the _________ season, we rejoice in Jesus' __________ and celebrate the new _____ we have in Christ
    Easter, Resurrection, life
  • Celebrations that are called events in the lives of Jesus, Mary, or the Saints
  • The liturgical year begins with the season of ___________. The ___________ is the center of our year
    Advent; Easter Triduum
  • The dates for all other liturgical seasons are based upon the dates of the ______________
    Easter Triduum
  • The Easter Season begins on __________ and continues until _________
    Easter Sunday, Pentecost Sunday