
Let's protect the environment!

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  • Fill in the blanks with the word input for a sentence:__________discharged after being used, or created in a technological process.
  • What do greenhouse gases cause?
    Global warming
  • Fill the blank: S_ppl_ _r
  • what divides the planet into Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere and its latitude is 0°.
  • How many types of environmental pollution are there? Answer at least 5 correct answers
    1. Air pollution 2. Water pollution 3. Noise pollution 4. Soil pollution 5. Radioactive pollution 6. Thermal pollution 7. Light pollution
  • What when is an affected and dangerous land called ?
    Soil erosion.
  • Energy that comes from renewable resources is called…
    alternative energy.
  • Who is she? Why is she famous?
    She's from Sweden, her name is Greta Thunberg and she is a young environmental activist.
  • Humans cause a significant amount of air pollution by burning _____ fuels?
  • Fill in the blanks with the word input for a sentence: ________________is made up of animals, vegetation, plants and other organisms that live in the water. All habitats where life resides and has a symbiosis with freshwater or saltwater .
    A marine ecosystem
  • The three Rs of saving the environment are:
    reduce , reuse , recycle.
  • Fill in the blanks with the word input for a sentence:_____________changes in the quality and quantity of environmental components, adversely affecting human and natural life, destroying ecosystems and causing extinction of wildlife.
    Degraded ecosystems
  • What is the prerequisite for wildlife conservation?
    Raise awareness.
  • Does the uncertainty of the treatment of industrial wastewater by companies have an adverse effect on the environment?
  • Fill the blank: C_cl_
  • Does this picture show consumption or conservation?
  • Increase in which gas is primarily responsible for increased global warming?
    Carbon dioxide
  • Use of resources beyond the specified amount
  • What are these called?
    Emissions/Exhaust fumes.
  • Is it important to promote environmental protection?
  • Food Waste exacerbates environmental problems. True or False?
  • The sum of the different forms of living things in a given area or population
  • Earth's atmosphere is the layer of gases that surround planet Earth and are trapped by Earth's gravity. So what is the largest percentage of volume war gas?
  • Does this picture show consumption or conservation?
  • What are some forms of alternative energy? Answer at least 3 correct answers
    1. Wind energy 2. Hydro energy 3. Tidal energy 4. Geothermal energy 5. Biomass energy 6. Solar energy
  • Fill the blank: E_apor_tio_
  • Fill the blank: P_ _ctual_ty
  • What is the chemical destruction in nature in a slow process called?
  • What causes the building to collapse?
  • What is the set of cells that form different parts of humans, animals and plants called?
  • What is the natural agent that causes ice at the poles to thaw quickly ?
    Global warming/Volcanic phenomena
  • What Global Issue does the picture represent?
    Extinction danger