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  • Name one of the key factors that led to the lost of the territories in America
    The French revolution and North America independence or the liberal ideas or the unhappiness with Fernando VII
  • Where was the first Spanish Constitution written?
    In Cadiz
  • Who fought against the French in the War of Independence at the beginning?
    Spanish people /citizens/ People from Móstoles- Madrid
  • What artists from the 19th have had an impact?
    Goya and Sorolla
  • Who helped Mª Cristina during her regency period?
    General Espartero
  • Name an advantage of the Industrial Revolution
    Inventions and technology, job opportunities and improved transportation
  • Who wrote the 1st Spanish Constitution?
    Las Cortes Generales
  • Who claimed the throne during the Carlist Wars?
    Carlos Mª Isidro, Fernando's brother (his followers were called 'Carlistas')
  • Who was the French king at the time of the French Revolution?
    Louise XVI
  • Name one of the main ideas of the first Spanish Constitution
    Freedom of press and expression, equality, constitutional monarchy and national sovereignty
  • Who led the Mutiny of Aranjuez?
    Fernando VII
  • When did the War of Independence begin and finish?
    It began on the 2nd of May 1808 and finished in 1814
  • Does the Salic Law allow women to become queen?
  • Who signed a secret treaty with Napoleon in Fontainebleau?
    Manuel Godoy
  • What was the name of Napoleon's brother, King of Spain?
    José Bonaparte
  • Where was Isabel II forced to go during her exile?
    France, Paris
  • Name the only 2 remaining colonies that Spain had in America by 1825
    Cuba and Puerto Rico
  • Who ruled in Spain as regent after the death of Fernando VII?
    Mª Cristina with the help of General Espartero ( principe de Vergara)