
History 43 The Khazarian Empire

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  • Choose an empire/kingdom from the map and tell us three facts about it.
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  • What's this Khagan's name? What's he famous for?
    Bulan; converting the Khazarian Empire to Judaism.
  • Name two of these three people groups. What do they all have in common?
    Parthians, Avars, Huns; nomadic peoples of the Pontic/Eurasian Steppe.
  • Name these three religions. What do they have in common?
    1) Judaism, 2) Christianity, 3) Islam; the three "Abrahamic" or Monotheistic Faiths/Religions.
  • Name both seas in the circles and the mountain range represented by the line.
    Black & Caspian Seas; the Caucasus mountains.
  • Name these three Turkic/Khazarian titles and their English equivalents.
    1) Tarkhan = general, 2) Khagan Bek = king, 3) Khagan = King of kings
  • Name four of these six longest rivers in Europe.
    1) Rhine, 2) Danube, 3) Don, 4) Volga, 5) Dnieper, 6) Ural.
  • Describe the process of how Khagan Bulan decided to convert the Khazarians to Judaism.
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  • What is the name of the major trade routes connecting the far east with western Europe? Why is it called that?
    The Silk Road; silk was the main commodity exported by China and sought after by westerners.
  • What's this yellow region called? Tell us one fact about it.
    The Pontic / Eurasian Steppe; home to nomads, grasslands, etc.