
P2 Beginners Pop Quiz

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  • Use the picture given to help you describe a quiet place!
    Pin-drop silence filled the air.
  • Test your luck! Press 'Check' and get either 150 points, or Lose All Your Points! Choose wisely...
    Lose all points!
  • Test your luck! Press 'Check' and get either 150 points, or Lose All Your Points! Choose wisely...
    Lose all points!
  • What are two other ways to replace the word 'ran'?
    Darted, Dashed, Bolted, Sprinted
  • Test your luck! Press 'Check' and get either 150 points, or Lose All Your Points! Choose wisely...
    +150 points!
  • The first person to jump out of their seat gets 50 points!
    Woo hoo!
  • Fill in the blanks to the Falling Down paragraph: I f____ my arms while trying to r____ my balance but to no avail. As a r___, my butt l____ flat on the floor like a p____!
    I flailed my arms while trying to regain my balance but to no avail. As a result, my butt landed flat on the floor like a pancake!
  • Give any two WOWFATB descriptions for Disgust! 
    Revolted (WOW), my face cringed in disgust. (Face)
  • Test your luck! Press 'Check' and get either 150 points, or Lose All Your Points! Choose wisely...
    +150 points!
  • Which is the Introduction format we learnt? List out the components!
    Where, When, Who, What, Haiya
    Where, When, Why, Which, Hunt
    Where, When, Who, What, Hook
    Where, When, Who, What Up Homies
  • What is the highest peak in the world?
    Mount Kinabalu
    Everest Mountain
    Bukit Timah Hill
  • Jog on the spot for 10 seconds and get 30 points!
    Well done!
  • What are two other words that have the same meaning as "shocked"? Clue: One starts with 'F', the other with 'D'!
    Dumbfounded, Flabbergasted
  • Fill in the blanks to this Conclusion: That day, I went to bed s____ but w____. The day I tried to cook will be e________ in my mind for a long time.
    sadder, wiser, engraved
  • Which of these phrases show a noisy place?
    There was a sea of people.
    The house was as quiet as a library.
    Boisterous chattering filled the air.
    The stadium was bustling with activity.
  • What is the topic we are learning this month?
    The Year I Hated Cooking
    The Week I Tried To Cook
    The Day I Tried To Cook A Bad Dish
    The Day I Tried To Cook
  • What is the meaning of the word 'seasonings'?
    a country that is experiencing seasons
    ingredients that add flavour to dishes
    different seasons like winter, summer, autumn and spring
    countries that don't have seasons
  • Which of these phrases describe an Outdoor place?
    The sun was like a yellow ball of fire in the azure sky.
    Cold air greeted me as I stepped into the mall.
    Boisterous chattering filled the air.
    Dark clouds loomed over my head as rain lashed my skin.
  • Give an example of a description for a Crowded place!
    The place was packed like sardines.
  • Give a description of happiness with the picture as a clue!
    I was smiling so widely that I could eat a banana sideways!
  • How do we describe an empty place?
    The house was like a ghost town.
  • How do we describe a quiet place?
    Pin-drop silence filled the air.