
Passive Voice (Advanced)

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  • Correct the mistake:This photo were take by my uncle.
    This photo was taken by my uncle.
  • Change to passive voice:They haven't published the article.
    The article hasn't been published.
  • Change to passive voice:Somebody will buy the food.
    The food will be bought.
  • Change to passive voice:They don't pay salaries during the weekend.
    Salaries aren't paid during the weekend.
  • Change to passive voice:A reporter was interviewing the owners.
    The owners were being interviewed by a reporter.
  • Have you ever been caught cheating on a test? AV
    Free answer
  • Change to passive voice:Somebody had already cleaned the rooms this morning.
    The rooms had been cleaned this morning.
  • Change to passive voice:They must wear uniforms at work.
    Uniforms must be worn at work.
  • Correct the mistake:Who was cooked dinner?
    Who cooked dinner?
  • Have you ever been stung by a bee? PV
    Free answer
  • Have you ever been sent to the principal's office? AV
    Free answer
  • Have you ever been bitten by a dog? PV
    Free answer
  • Have you ever been helped by a stranger? PV
    Free answer
  • Have you ever been annoyed by a noisy neighbour? PV
    Free answer
  • Correct the mistake:He surprised by a loud noise last night.
    He was surprised by a loud noise last night.
  • Correct the mistake:Was your car fix by the mechanic?
    Was your car fixed by the mechanic?