
Idioms meaning (Awak. - Sum.)

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  • go out of one's way to do something
    to Make extra effort to do something
  • fiddling with sth
    to keep moving sth with Your hands because of nervousness
  • Talk behind someone's back
    say or do something intentionally When another person is not there and cannot know about it.
  • Crack s.o up
    to make s.o laugh
  • face the Music
    accept the consequences of your actions
  • hit the nail on the head
    do / say sth exactly right
  • Graveyard shift
    Working from 12.00 a.m to 8.00 a.m
  • Change one's tune
    express a very different opinion than the previous
  • Blood is thicker than water
    The family bond is closer than anything else
  • Every cloud has a silver lining
    Even difficult times will Iead to better days.
  • A piece of cake
  • give sb a helping hand
    to help sb dealing with a hard task
  • Tie the knot.
    To get married.
  • for a song
    very cheaply
  • Keep your chin up.
    to remain joyful even in a tough situation.
  • Ring a bell
    remind you sth/be familiar
  • walk all over somebody
    treat someone in an inconsiderate / bad way.
  • Apple of my eye
    very precious and cherished
  • Keep an eye on s.o
    to watch s.o carefully
  • A blessing in disguise
    Something good that isn't known/realized at first.
  • Out of the blue.
    suddenly and unexpectedly.
  • Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
    Don't rely on it until you are sure of it.
  • Lock horns with sb
    to fight/ have a disagreement with sb
  • Hit the sack
    go to bed
  • to be a shoulder to cry on
    to be supportive
  • The ball is in your court
    it is up to you to make the next move
  • to tackle (a problem)
    to deal with a problem in an efficient way
  • An arm and a leg
    very expensive
  • in the ballpark
    almost correct
  • be on the ball
    be quick to understand and react to things / situations
  • Blowing One's own trumpet
    talk about one's achievement in a too proud way.
  • Get up on the wrong side of the bed.
    Someone who is having a horrible day.
  • drum up
    try hard to get support for sth
  • Not lift a finger
    not helping someone
  • a whole new ballgame
    a completely different and difficult situation
  • to kick off an activity
    to begin an activity
  • Playing second fiddle
    to be treated as less important than sb /sth
  • hold your horses.
    be patient.
  • Break a leg.
    good luck