
Esperanza Rising

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  • in "Las Guayabas" How did Esperanza and her mother leave Mexico?
    Secretly hidden in the floor of the wagon
  • In "Las Cebollas" what jobs was Esperanza assigned?
    She was assigned with sweeping the platform and watching the children.
  • Why is the harvest Esperanza’s favorite time of year?
    Because harvest time happens around her birthday.
  • Near the beginning of the chapter "Las Papayas", what is Señor Rodriguez delivering to the house? Who had ordered this delivery and why?
    He is delivering papayas that were ordered for by Papa for Esperanza's birthday.
  • Who made it possible for Esperanza and her mother to come to the United States?
    Juan and Josephina
  • In "Las Guayabas" why did Hortensia talk about the bandits, Miguel and the mouse, and going on a train ride?
    To keep Esperanza’s mind off the tight quarters in the wagon. p. 61
  • In "Los Melones" Esperanza tries to hear the Earth's heartbeat again. Why did she want to do this?
    Connect her to her papa, to feel something familiar
  • Why did Esperanza’s mother get after her when she wouldn’t let the little girl hold her doll?
    Esperanza was acting selfish and better than the other people on the train
  • What does Los Higos mean in English?
  • Why would Esperanza's uncles have started the fire the destroyed her and Mama's home?
    To get back at Ramona for not marrying Tio Luis
  • How did Esperanza respond when she saw the train car they were riding in?
    She didn’t want to ride in it, uncomfortable, hard, for poor people
  • Who taught Esperanza how to sweep?
  • Name one human right that was threatened by the fire that destroyed Esperanza's house. What article of the UDHR mentions this human right?
    The right to your own things (Article 17), the right to life (Article 3), the right to a safe place to live (Article 25).
  • in "Las Papayas", what does Abuelita say is the real reason that Tio Luis wants to marry Mama?
    Mama is popular in the area and Tio Luis thinks that being married to her will help him get elected Governor.
  • in "Las Uvas" what did Esperanza do that was back luck?
    She pricked her finger on the thorn of a rose
  • Why were the different cultural groups -Japanese, Mexican, Okies- separated in the camp?
    They were treated differently. If they were together they could band together and form a union and fight for fair pay and treatment.