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  • These flowers are nice,
    aren't they?
  • You've been to Paris,
    haven't you?
  • I'm so lucky,
    aren't I?
  • I'm too impatient,
    aren't I?
  • You've lived here a long time,
    haven't you?
  • I didn't bring the computer,
    did I?
  • The film wasn't very good,
    was it?
  • Sue hasn't called today,
    has she?
  • They saw each other,
    didn't they?
  • Your aunt is a doctor,
    isn't she ?
  • You won't tell anyone,
    will you?
  • You can speak Vietnamese,
    can't you?
  • Jack's on holiday with his family,
    isn't he?
  • He won't be angry,
    will he?
  • I'm not scary,
    am I?
  • They don't know each other ,
    do they ?
  • Carolyn  has taken a nice photo,
    hasn't she?
  • He shouldn't smoke so much,
    should he?
  • They will come to the party,
    won't they?
  • You aren't cold,
    are you?
  • Their mother was working in the garden,
    wasn't she?
  • Your friends go to school by bus,
    don't they ?
  • He isn't very happy,
    is he?
  • He went home,
    didn't he?
  • You don't know Mark's sister,
    do you?
  • You can play the piano,
    can't you?
  • Andy lives near you,
    doesn't he?
  • Sally went to university with her friends,
    didn't she?
  • It's a beautiful day,
    isn't it?
  • You weren't listening,
    were you?
  • Martin looks tired,
    doesn't he?
  • Candice won't be late,
    will she?
  • There are a lot of people here,
    aren't there?
  • Judy was at the party,
    wasn't she?
  • You're sick,
    aren't you?
  • You can speak German,
    can't you?
  • She didn't tell you about her plan,
    did she?
  • He hasn't met her before,
    has he?
  • I'm not boring,
    am I?
  • Your dog doesn't sleep in bed,
    does it?