
Ket part 3 the goldenbell

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  • The result creates more detailed and anatomically accurate 3D renderings and printed models, 26. With more accurate 3D renderings and __________ , physicians will be able to better diagnose and treat heart disease.
    printed models
  • Their approach combines technologies proven to last such as building a sand dam to capture and filter rainwater. Question: (write one word) 9. WaterAid uses a dam made of…………… to capture rainwater
  • It was a given that the squid was vicious and would readily attack humans given the chance. Question: 29. According to the Victor Hugo's novel, the squid would ________ if he had such opportunity.
    readily attack(humans)
  • .If you have any health problems you think may be caused by your VDU, contact your line manager.6.Any concerns about the effect of using a VDU on your general well-being should be reported to ………… .
    your line manager
  • . Evidence showing the benefits of large-scale deworming projects has come under scrutiny in recent weeks - the debate has even been dubbed "worm wars27. the experts called the debate ___________
    worm wars
  • Many collectors collect to develop their social life, attending meetings of a group of collectors and exchanging information on items.24. Collectors’ clubs provide opportunities to share ………. .
  • The researchers placed a specially trained and small bird called budgerigar in a wind tunnel and measured .... Question: (write two words) 10scientists have done experiments on birds in a..........................
    wind tunnel
  • The name Hayles Tye was still in use in 1500 and crops up again throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, usually in relation to the payment of taxes or tithes. Question: (write two words) 12. The name was still ………………… again in the following
    in use
  • significant differences in the skeletal anatomy of lizards and dinosaurs .Lizards and dinosaurs are classified into two different superorders because of the difference in their ……………………………
    Skeletal anatomy
  • But for scientists who study stress, it has been surprisingly hard to define. This is because there are so many ways of looking at stress. Question: (write one words) 13. It is hard for scientists to define the word …………………...because there
  • unlike the skulls of any other known animals, the skulls of dinosaurs had two long bones known as vomers. Question: (write two words) 18. Dinosaur skulls differed from those of any other known animals because of the presence of vomers......
    two long bones
  • even contentious, relationship between Native Americans and archaeologists. Question: 28. The relations between Native Americans and ___________ were uneasy
  • in 1788 when a British penal colony was established on the east coast. From this starting point Australia grew rapidly and continually, expanding across the entire continent. 1. Australia was originally founded as a
    British penal colony
  • . By 2055, more Asians than any other ethnic group are expected to move to US. Question: 30. It is expected that the _____________ will be the biggest ethnic group to move in the USA by the year 2055.
  • 4. Most people suffer no ill-effects from using VDUs (Visual Display Units) as they don’t give out harmful levels of radiation and rarely cause any kind of skin complaint.4. It is unusual to get a ………… as a result of using computers
    skin complaint
  • because they require you to be aware of paraphrasing (using different words to repeat a sentence so that it has the same)15. Reading tests are quite difficult because these questions use a lot of vocabulary. You need to use………………….to rewrit
    different words
  • You can also get advice and maybe help with paying for equipment from the local job center. Question: 5. Financial assistance in the case of special requirements may be available from the ………… .
    local job center
  • Hayles Tye seems to have got its name from a certain John Hayle who is documented in the 1380s, although there are records pointing to the occupation of the site at a much earlier date. Question: (write one words) 11. John Hayle, who is ………
  • A planet goes around, or orbits, a star. It takes our planet Earth one year to orbit the Sun. A planet also turns on its axis.20. A planet turns on its……………….
  • because they were constantly crashing into millions of tinier molecules of water. Question: (write three words) 16. Einstein explained the phenomenon of particles' strange motion by the fact that they were collapsing with ..................
    molecules of water
  • The panda population is threatened by habitat loss as land is increasingly inhabited by humans.Question: 22, Pandas are in danger because their lands are increasingly _________
    inhabited by humans
  • The National Zoo is one of only four zoos in the US to have pandas, which are on loan from China. Question: 21. Pandas from the USA National Zoo are _________ from China.
    on loan
  • and your words do not come out right when you are placed in a stressful situation”. Question: (write three words) 14. Your body reacts to stress with a fast-beating heart, heavy perspiration and so on when you are in ………………………………………….
    a stressful situation
  • . Stars are huge balls of hot gas. A star with planets around it is called a solar system. Our Sun has eight planets – this is our solar system. Question: (write two words) 19. Stars with planets around them are called……………………………….. systems
  • My favorite is miracle berries, from Africa. They taste bitter, and after you eat them anything that’s sour tastes sweet! Lemon juice, for example, tastes like sweet lemonade. (write one word) 8. Miracle berries make sour things taste.....
  • measured in terms of reported verbal interactions with parents, number of books and activities in their home etc. Question: 25. One study found a strong connection between children’s IQ and the availability of ………. and ………. at home.
    books, activities
  • So she designed a torch that uses just the heat from a human hand. It wasn’t as powerful as a normal torch and only produced a little light.. Question: (write one word) 6. Ann’s torch works by changing the body ………….into electricity.
  • 2. A number of reasons contributed to Britain's decision to colonize Australia. The most important factor was Britain's need to relieve its overcrowded prisons. Question: 2. The major consideration in colonizing Australia was Britain’s ………
    overcrowded prisons
  • However, they left the bay eight days later because of its openness and poor soil, and settled instead at Port Jackson, a few kilometers north. Question: 3. Botany Bay was abandoned by the settlers due to the lack of cover and ……………………….
    poor soil
  • Most of these zones allow delivery trucks to service the businesses located there during the early morning, and street-cleaning vehicles.The only vehicles permitted in most pedestrian zones are those used for ________ or ________ cleaning.
    delivery , street