
Speaking 1 semester

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  • What are the best ways to break the ice?
    Students' answers
  • Some people say that youth is losing the ability to have deep conversations due to the constant use of messangers and social media. How can you comment?
    Students' answers
  • Who's got the bigger influence on you: people in your life or social media persons?
    Students' answers
  • What is emotional intelligence? Do you have it?
    Students' answers
  • What can be your contribution to help take care of the environment?
    Students' answers
  • Are bloggers and influencers responsible for the impact their content has on the audience? Why or why not?
    Students' answers
  • What are some of the most urgent environmental issues in our region? What could be done?
    Students' answers
  • Is it possible to entirely get rid of plastic packaging? Why or why not?
    Students' answers
  • If you had to choose 5 objects to send to space and potentially be discovered by aliens, which objects would you choose and why?
    Students' answers
  • What buggs you in other people's behaviour? How do you deal with it?
    Students' answers
  • What do you prefer when communicating with your friends: face to face conversation or social media & messengers?
    Students' answers
  • How do you see our world a hundred years from now? Talk about different areas: technology, science, household, education, shopping, etc.
    Students' answers
  • Share the most outstanding events in your life and the impact they had on you.
    Students' answers
  • Is climate change something that worries you? Why or why not?
    Students' answers
  • Students' answers
  • Share your top 5 ideas on how to make a good impression on someone during the first meeting.
    Students' answers
  • Recently a law has been passed in Ukraine according to which customers have to pay for every plastic bag they get at a shop or supermarket. How can you comment?
    Students' answers