
GCSE Product Design Entry Quiz

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  • What does this logo on the right mean if it is displayed on a product?
    FSC - Forest Stewardship Council - the paper or wood in the product has come from a responsibly manages forest and/or verified recycled sources
  • What does CAD stand for?
    Computer Aided Design
  • What is a ferrous metal?
    Any metal that contains IRON (Fe)
  • What is the difference between a finite resource and a non-finite resource?
    Finite = resources that will eventually run out. Non-finite = resources that can be replaced
  • What is one-off production?
    One-off production involved unique products being made to strict specifications, so workers must be highly skiled.
  • True or false? Alkaline batteries can usually be recharged
  • True or False? Medium Density fibreboard (MDF) is made from several layers of hardwood or softwood glued together
    False. This description is for a material called plywood.
  • Why are protective coatings often added to ferrous metals?
    to protect them from water which could cause rust in ferrous metals
  • Why is it important to measure materials before cutting them?
    To reduce wastage and to make your components accurate and presice
  • Rory is tie-dying a cushion cover. Would he be better to use a cover made or cotton or polyester? Explain your answer
    Cotton would be best. Cotton is a natural fibre, natural fibres are usually more absorbent than synthetic dyes such as polyester.
  • Give two properties that polymers used to make electrical fittings should have?
    Polymers (plastics) = electrical insulators, hard, rigid, resistant to heat and fire.
  • What is the purpose of quality control?
    To check for imperfections or fault in a product
  • True or false? Toughness is a materials ability to be drawn into wire
    False - toughness is how hard a material is to break or snap
  • Name 3 non-renewable energy sources
    Coal, oil, gas, nuclear power
  • Give one use of a liquid crystal display (LCD)
    LCD's are used in flat screen displays such as TV's and monitor screens
  • What does CAM stand for?
    Computer Aided Manufacturing
  • What are freehand sketches normally used for in the design process?
    Freehand sketched are often used for initial designs and to develop design ideas
  • Which of these is not one of the 6 R's? a.refuse b.reuse c.reduce d.renew
    D - renew
  • Suggest one reason that steel is used in the construction of building frames
  • A manafacturer in the UK agrees to pay its suppliers in Ghana a fair price for their products. What is this an example of?
    Fair Trade
  • Give one negative impact that making new products can have on the environment
    making new products can release lots of emissions that pollute the air/contribute to global warming
  • True or false? Board has a higher GSM value than paper
    True - GSM represents the weight of paper (grams per square meter)
  • Describe what is meant by 'elasticity'
    Elasticity is a materials ability to return to it's original shape after being stretched or bent
  • True or False? Hardwoods are usually more expensive that softwoods
  • Which of these is not a natural fibre? Cotton, elastane, wool, silk