
Body parts

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  • How many shoulders do you have?
    I have 2 (two) shoulders
  • What is B for?
    B is for Banana
  • How many heads do you have?
    I have 1 (one) head
  • What is A for?
    A is for Ant
  • How many legs do you have?
    I have 2 (two) legs
  • How many fingers do you have?
    I have 10 (ten) fingers
  • What is B for?
    B is for Bird
  • What is this?
    It's an eye
  • How many mouths do you have?
    I have 1 (one) mouth
  • What is this?
    It's a head
  • What is this?
    It's a foot
  • How many feet do you have?
    I have 2 (two) feet
  • What is A for?
    A is for Apple
  • How many hands do you have?
    I have 2 (two) hands
  • What is this?
    It's a finger
  • What is this?
    It's a toe
  • How many toes do you have?
    I have 10 (ten) toes
  • How many ears do you have?
    I have 2 (two) ears
  • What is this?
    It's a nose
  • What is this?
    It's a knee
  • What is this?
    It's an arm
  • How many noes do you have?
    I have 1 (one) nose
  • What is this?
    It's a mouth
  • What is this?
    It's hair