
I can make this promise

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  • In ch 26, the word "powwow" is mentioned. What does it mean in this context?
    a festive gathering with dancing and rituals
    haning out with classmates
    a meet up at a local pub
    a talk or chat
  • How would you describe Edie's relationship with Libby?
  • "Indio mountains line the horizon in jagged peaks. The sun dips low, and a summit sinks into it like a thorn. Its fragile golden skin is punctured, and the sun bleeds oranges and yellows, across the bottom of the sky." what is this?
    action scene
    descriptive scene
    back story
    romantic scene
  • What is pre-GPS?
    A time before maps
    A time when people could tell directions
    A time before the compass
    time before navigation systems
  • Who can be an orphan?
    only animals
    people or animals
    only people
    only native Americans
  • The title of Chapter three is "War zone." What is the war zone?
    A battle being fought between the US Government and Natives
    fireworks shooting off over the field
    people shooting at people with guns
    A messy bedroom
  • When reading about the birth of Edie's mom in Ch 31, how did you feel? What emotions did you experience
    ex: surprise, fear, worry, happiness, concern, sadness
  • "You look Native." what does this mean?
    someone recognizes another person because of their character
  • Which words means, "irregular heart beat and rhythm?"
    a rhythm
    my rhythm
  • Edie wants to know where her name comes from. where does your name come from? find out
    Ask your parents
  • Of three people in Edie's life, who wants her to not tell her parents about the box? what does this say about true friendship?
    Uncle Phil, true friendship is about honesty
    Serenity, true friendship is encouraging honesty
    Amelia, true friendship is encouraging honesty
    Bruno, a dog is man's best friend
  • "Smiles aren't beautiful because of teeth. Smiles are beautiful because of a person's spirit." Why was this spoken in the book? what was the context?
    Edie thought after the braces she might not smile the same
    Uncle Phil's duck smiled at him
    Edie's mom was worried about her teeth
    Edie's dad broke a tooth on a bone
  • What is a Native American reservation?
    A place set apart for Native Americans to live and practice their way of life
  • What is "anecdote?"
    It's something you take to counter a poison
    short or interesting story about real life
    figurative language
    it's a short knock knock joke
  • What is the meaning of the word, "vials?"
    a wicked vessel
    A mean ugly person
    a closable vessel for liquids
    a glass vase
  • What situation would be best described as "cutthroat?"
    the film industry and Hollywood
    buying a baguette on Tuesday morning
    Playing Minecraft on Nintendo Switch
    playing legos with friends
  • How is Serenity's advice and Uncle's Phil's advice to Edie the same?
    They tell her to forget about the box
    They want her to not tell her parents about the box
    They want her to be honest about box with her parents
    They both tell her to eat more cheese
  • What is the matching definition of "perilously?"
    full of ease
    full of harmony
    full of danger
    full of peace and calm
  • Who does Edie confide it about the box she finds in the attic?
    Her uncle Phil
  • "Smiles aren't beautiful because of teeth. Smiles are beautiful because of a person's spirit." Who says this?
    Edie Miller
    Lisa Miller
    Edith Grahman
  • Which word fits the definition, "A cord or strap worn around the neck, often used with whistles or name tags."
  • In cH 34, what is happening in the park where the gathering is?
    It's a powwow.
  • What is uncle Phil's job?
    He's a chef
    He is a vet and takes care of sick animals
    He is a fisherman
    He works in ecological restoration
  • Who discovered Lisa's family's history and addess?
  • " I shove my hands in my pockets and cross my front yard with dread pooling in my stomach." why does Edie feel dread?
    She thinks something bad will happen to her mom
    She is going to be in trouble with her parents
    She knows her friendship with Amelia is over
    She's upset because her braces broke
  • We read, "Edith had found her calling." What does this mean? what might your calling be?
    She found her purpose or reason for living.
  • Why does Edie fear the dentist and the braces?
    She worried people will make fun of her
    She thinks she won't be able to eat her favorite food
    She is scared it might hurt
    she thinks the braces will make her different /change her
  • What pet does Uncle Phil have?
    a duck
  • What is a bird of prey?
    A bird that is relgious
    A bird that hunts other animals for food
    A bird that is being hunted by another animal
    A bird that doesn't lay eggs
  • In Ch 12, Amelia has an idea. What is it?
    make a film about a dog
    make the film based on Edith and the letters
    make a film about Native American powwow
    make a film about them three as friends
  • "Her words spear through me." Change this sentences into a simile
    The words went splat against my ears as the spear zoomed off
    Her words were like a spear that went though me
    She took the spear in the chest
    Her spear spoke to me with words
  • What is Edith's calling as discovered in Ch 23? Who is "little bun"
    to be a mom; her baby: Edie's mom
  • Where did Edie's parents meet?
    The local KFC
    coffee shop
    Thai food restaurant on campus
    Starbucks in St Germain en laye
  • which friend is Edie breaking up with?
  • What at the end of chapter 3 suggest there is a problem with Amelia and Edie's friendship?
    The lack of response on text message and Edie says something was up that Amelia wasn't sharing
  • what is the definition of "Grime?"
    clean and pristine
    thick film of dirt
    A crime committed by a goat
    thick Germain accent
  • True or False, the tribal nations mentioned throughout the story are real and exist
  • What was the goal of the siege of Fort Lawton according to the Author?
    Establish an urban center for Seattle's Native population
  • what does the word, "Nostalgic" mean?
    feelings of warmth about the future
    feelings of warmth about the past
    feelings of anger about the past
    feelings of warmth about the present
  • In the AUthor's notes, the author mentions real people and events that inspired the story. Name two
    Sacheen Littlefeather, demonstrations at Wounded Knee
  • How did Edie's mom describe her childhood with other kids?
    She was bullied because of her skin color
  • "Vials are filled with ash from Mount St. Helen's eruption, and they look like granulated potions, dark glittering magic." identify the adjectives in the passage.
    filled, granulated, dark
    filled, dark, glittering
    granulated, dark, glittering
    filled, granulated, dark, glittering
  • Which word means to "imitate a sound or action of another?"
  • In ch 34, who does Edie see skipping rocks and what does this foreshadow?
    Rodger; a futre friendship
  • Why did Edie and her mom get into an argument at the Cinema?
    Edie wanted popcorn and her mom wouldn't buy it
    Edie's mom had to go to the bathroom
    Edie saw a poster with Native and wanted to see that movie
    They couldn't decide on which candy to buy
  • "silence swoops down over the room like a bird of prey." What figurative language is in use?
  • What car did Edie's dad drive when he met her mom?
    Orange BMW
    Black and silver BMW
    cherry red BMW
    A yellow BMW
  • What was meaningful in the first time Edie met Rodger?
    She liked his smile
    The first time she felt truly recognized by someone
    It was her first kiss
    It was the first time she saw a boy
  • "Its black screen is bloated and curved, and its boxy white backside is propped against a dartboard." What does "bloated" and "boxy" in the sentence mean
    distended beyond natural size and box-like
  • What is a "manila folder?"
    a stiff sheet folder used is filing cabinets to hold papers
  • which definition best fits, "meandering?"
    following a wide path
    following a straight path
    following a winding path
    following a narrow path
  • What does Edie's mom mean, "I knew his adoptive parents weren't exactly stellar citizens." What does she mean?
    They were the best parents possible
    They were bright like the sun
    They were too bright to be around
    They weren't the best or most caring people
  • True or false, an orphanage is a place where children are sent if they don't have parents to look after them.
  • Where does Seattle, Washington get its name from?
    Chief Seattle
  • Use "lush" in a sentence
    ex: She glanced around the lush hills across from the lush lawn.
  • what happens in ch 24? Who is Edith?
    Amelia tells on Edie; Grandmother
    Edie discovers Edith was a movie star; grandmother
    Edie discovers that Lisa is not her real mom; her mother
    Edie blurts out she has found the box; Lisa's mom
  • Edie's mom states, "The American West has never been an empty wilderness." what does she mean?
    There is no place to go in the wilderness
    the west is a wild and scary place
    emptiness is in the heart
    There has always been people in America, Native Americans
  • What does the word "bully " mean?
    treat cruelly
    to act like a bull
    be kind and helpful
    generous and giving
  • The title of the book, "I can make this promise" suggest someone is making a promise. Who makes the promise? What promise is made?
    Edie, Edith wont' be forgotten
  • What is a "Western film?"
    set in the American west relating to the frontier life
    Set in the American future relating to time travel on a hors
    Set in the American past relating to real life events
    Set in the American present relating to modern times
  • Which sentence is correct?
    Her skin was red and splotchy.
    The splotchy skin was
    The wall was a solid white splotchy.
    She painted splotchy
  • What is the opposite of the word "flimsy"?
    not hard
    easily broken
  • The final film made by Edie and her friend is about a dog finding its home. What is its real meaning?
    Edie discovering her own place of belonging
  • What does Edie want to make the film about?
    the dog she meets
    William the duck
    Uncle Phil's fisherman days
  • When Edie's mom describes meeting her uncle for the first time, what does he do?
    He recognises her, hugs her, and welcomes her in
    He yells at her to get off his land
    He starts to sing and dance in a ritual manner
    He doesn't know who she is and closes the door on her
  • Go back and read Page 206, when Edie's mom meets her uncle. what word best describes the scene?
    touching and moving
  • Why did the government remove Edie's mom from her family and send her to an orphanage?
    Edith had agreed to giving up her baby for adoption
    Edie's mom had a birth defect
    Edith died giving birth
    Her mother was unmarried native and uncle had a record
  • Look at the picture. What word describes the action being shown?
    kick the boot
    scruff the boot
    scuffle with boots
    scuff the boot
  • which word would best describe, "a critical observation?"
  • What happened to Edith and Uncle Theo?
    They live to be very old
    They are still alive
    They both die young
    They move to Los Angelas and begin a movie career
  • "But the truth is, I can feel my best friend pulling away." what is Edie talking about?
    She feels she is losing her friendnship with Amelia
  • what nationality is Edie?
    Native American and European
  • What two things did Edie's parents say were missing from her sketch of the park in Indianola?
    The dog and the duck
    trash and people
    The dog and people
    People and trucks
  • What is the opposite of the word, "smirk?"
  • What is often associated with the word "waft?"
    a scent
    a picture
    a manga
  • What is "roughhousing?"
    gentle play
    act of boisterous play; aggressive
    playing in a house with a rough exterior
    playing with a lot of laughter
  • What is the Bristol Bay Watershed, as mentioned by the Author
    Habitat for numerous animal species and wildlife
  • Who is the author of the book?
    Christine Day
    Christine Night
    Christine Morning
    Christine Evening
  • "Her voice was like a melody, her hair was like spun gold." Change this into a metaphor
    Her voice was a melody and her hair spun gold.
  • "I was one of the tallest in the room but felt invisible" what does this mean?
    It means the person didn't feel like he/she belonged or was recognized as a belonging
  • What was the name of the movie Edith had speaking parts in?
    When the west was Won
    When the West was Ours
    When the west was Theirs
    When the West met East
  • Which word is similar to "splotchy?"
  • Which word has the following definition, " unconvincing, lacking plausibility?"
  • What does it mean to have empathy?
    Feel and understand what others feel
  • What is a homophone for the word "vial?"
  • What was the final film about that Edie and her friend made?
    Bruno the dog finding his home and family
  • What is "Suquamish?"
    A native American tribe in North west
  • "Haphazard piles" this is used to describe organization in the attic. What does it suggest?
    The attic was super tidy
    The attic was very organized
    The attic was neatly arranged
    The attic wasn't very organized
  • what does "muck" mean in "muck it up?
    to do something perfectly
    to rearrange things neatly
    to spoil something or mess something up
    to fix a mistake and make better
  • What gift is Edie speaking about in Chapter 32 that she had never thought about before?
    a hug with her family
  • What happens in Edie'a attic that changes her life?
    She finds a box with letters from Edith
    She trips and breaks her leg
    Her friends get lost and can't find their way out
    She is scared by a mouse
  • What is the word "regalia?"
    something you wear at a pyjama party
    distinctive ornate clothing
    clothes in tatters
    normal every day clothing
  • What are Edie's parents' names?
    Lisa and WIlliam
    Donnie and Edith
    Lisa and Phil
    Lisa and Donnie
  • Where did Edie meet Amelia for the first time?
    at the park
    at the orphanage
    on the playground
    at a powwow
  • Who lived in the Old Man House? What happened to it?
    Chief Seattle, it was burned down to create a park
  • What word means to "pass through gently?"
  • Edie is reluctant to draw people. But her dad encourages her with what words? what does he mean?
    You weren't good at dogs either but look now; practice makes better
  • What is an "antidote?"
    figurative language
    to take to counter effects of posion
    a knock knock joke
    a short interesting story about real life
  • why are the rules different on the reservation? Why could they shoot fireworks?
    Reservations have their own set of laws and rules
  • Edie read, "Just the other day, someone threw a nag of trash at me from the car, and drove off laughing." How would you describe this action? why would someone doe this?
    answers will vary: meannes; bullying;anger; lack of openness
  • "Between the 1940s and 1970s, about 1/3 of Native children were separated from their families." what foreshadowed this in chapter 2?
    The lost dog, Bruno
    Th woman wearing the shirt "Find our missing girls"
    The boy that disappears
    Edie goes missing