
7th Grade Welcome

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  • Name 3 ways to show responsibility in class
    Turn in assignments on time, prepare for test & quizzes, come to class with device charged, utilize LP/agenda
  • Name the two 7th grade teams
    Challenger Team & Explorer Team
  • Being prompt and prepared for class, actively listening, and having patience are all examples of this behavioral expectation
    Positive Attitude
  • When and Where is our first field trip?
    Camp Guyasuta - Challenger (September 8th) & Explorers (September 9th)
  • Name 2 of our possible Quarterly Awards
    Extra effort, citizenship, leadership, responsibility, SLANT, creativity, respect, organization, and positive attitude
  • What do you think it means to be respectful?
    Answers will vary but needs to be inline with grade level expectations. Examples include no name calling, laughing at or demeaning others.
  • What are the 2 items that you bring with you for every class everyday for the entire year?
    Charged device and your independent novel that you are currently reading
  • Name the most appropriate time to use the restroom
    Use time between classes
  • Name our 2 school counselors and their associated team
    Mrs. Wike - Explorer/Mrs. Kampmeyer - Challenger
  • Name your 5 team teachers
    Explorers-Pillar, Bentz, Moore, Molinero, Lamers/Challengers-Shumaker, Palmer, Close, Heller, Lang
  • Name three of the five 7th grade expectations
    Respect, Honesty, Responsibility, Social Awareness, Positive Attitude
  • Give 3 examples demonstrating respect at HMS
    not turning off peer devices, not talking while others are speaking, cleanup after yourself, not hiding personal belongings of others
  • A polite way to respond when a peer asks for your homework would be_____________
    I can help you get started, but I cannot/will not just give you my homework
  • What do you do to find out what work you need to makeup following an absence?
    Complete items from both the classwork and homework sections of the Learning Plan.
  • Good hygiene, no bullying, and working cooperatively are all great examples of this behavioral expectation
    Social awareness
  • What are the 2 acceptable locations for your cell phones this year?
    Stored in your locker or placed in your designated classroom location decided by your teacher and NOT ON YOUR PERSON
  • Identify 3 behaviors of SLANT
    Sit Up, Lean Forward, Ask & Answer Questions, Nod your Head, Track the Speaker
  • By the time the bell rings, where should you be?
    In your assigned seat
  • What is the HMS theme for the 2022-23 school year? What does this mean to you?
    At'll always have a hand to hold/answers will vary for meaning
  • Name an example of accidental plagiarism
    not knowing when and how to cite, not knowing how to paraphrase or summarize, not knowing what "common knowledge" is
  • Name two cafeteria expectations
    Talk quietly, keep hands to yourself, cleanup your table area prior to dismissal time, include others, show kindness at all times