
Past tenses (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past  ...

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  • As I ______ (leave) the house the sun _____ (come out).
    was leaving; came out
  • She _____ (walk) into the room, _____ (sit down) and _____ (start) to read the paper.
    walked; sat down; started
  • What _____ you _____ (do) when Joe _____ (call) you?
    were you doing; called
  • While we ______ (wait) for you, it ______ (start) to rain.
    were waiting; started
  • The sun _____ (shine) and the birds _____ (sing) when I _____ (leave) the house.
    was shining; were singing; left
  • The moment I _____ (see) him, I _____ (realise) I'd met him before.
    saw; realised
  • Harry ______ (play) a lot of football while he ______ (live) in Oxford.
    was playing / played; was living
  • At the time of the earthquake, I _____ (live) in Tokyo. I _____ (move) back to the UK shortly afterwards.
    was living; moved