
Empower B2 Unit 7A

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  • My sofa is so comfortable, I could lay on it all day. SUCH
    I have such a comfortable sofa, could lay on it all day
  • My friend's sister is so annoying, I can't be around her. SUCH
    My friend's sister is so annoying, I can't be around her.
  • It's such an easy game to play, I finished it in one day SO
    The game is so easy: to play, I fInished it in one day.
  • This room is too small for all of us. ENOUGH
    This room isn't big enough for all of us
  • The rent for this flat is 1000€ per month. I only earn 1500€ TOO
    This flat is too expensive for me
  • Why did you buy 6 litres of milk? There are only 2 of us TOO
    You bought too much milk for the two us!
  • Now that we have 4 children, we need a bigger house. ENOUGH
    We don't have enough room/space in our house
  • I should've bought these shoes in a bigger size. TOO
    These shoes are too small for me.
  • I woke up at 8:00 and my class starts at 8:30 TOO
    I woke up too late
  • The book was so interesting, I couldn't put it down. SUCH
    It was such an interesting book, couldn't put it down,
  • Hurry up! We have to finish in 10 minutes ENOUGH
    We don't have enough time
  • The plates are so fragile, they can break easily. SUCH
    They are such fragile plates, they can break easily.
  • I've decided to find a new job. My current one is really stressful TOO MUCH
    I have too much stress at work
  • My boss is such a difficult person to deal with, we argue every day. SO
    My boss is so difficult to deal with, we argue every day.
  • Oh no! I only have 6 plates and there are 8 of us having dinner. ENOUGH
    I don't have enough plates
  • I hate living in the city. It's too noisy TOO MUCH
    There's too much noise in the city
  • This bar is really crowded TOO MANY
    There are too many people in this bar
  • Be more careful. The number of errors you make is a problem TOO
    You make too many errors
  • It was such a difficult topic to discuss, I couldn't find the words SO
    The topic was so difficult to discuss, I couldn't find the words.
  • I only have 10€ and the bill is 12€ ENOUGH
    I don't have enough money