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  • What are the two types of lenses?
    Convex and concave
  • What is the bending of light called?
  • Give 3 examples of a herbivore
  • What do we say if the moon appears to be getting larger?
  • What moon phase is this?
    Waxing gibbous
  • Which planet has 27 moons?
  • Which gases do we breathe in and breathe out?
    Oxygen and carbon dioxide
  • What causes refraction?
    Light travels at different speeds through different mediums
  • What are the 3 main parts of the circulatory system?
    The heart, blood vessels, and blood
  • Which planet is 4,500,000,000km away from the Sun?
  • What do you call the living thing a parasite infects?
    A host
  • Which planet has the most moons?
    Saturn (145 now!)
  • What do we call the chemicals in our body that cause changes to our body?
  • What type of lense is this?
  • How long does it take for the moon to orbit Earth?
    29.5 days
  • How many sides does the heart have?
  • What is this?
    The heart
  • What do we call living things that eat both plants and animals?
    An omnivore
  • What is a consumer?
    A living thing that can't make its own food and eats other consumers or producers
  • What do you call things that infect other living things and grow and reproduce on or in the body of the living thing they infect?
  • Which planets have no moons?
    Mercury and Venus
  • What is this?
    The diaphragm
  • What do you call a living thing that doesn't cause a disease, but carry it?
    A vector
  • What is the name of female sex cells?
    Eggs or ova
  • Define: a sperm and an egg join together to form a new human
  • Which planet has the longest orbit?
  • What moon phase is this?
    First quarter
  • Name 3 ways we can prevent diseases.
  • If the angle of incidence is 25 degrees, what would be the angle of reflection?
    25 degrees
  • Which body system is responsible for changes inside our bodies during puberty?
    The reproductive system
  • Define: special tubes that carry the blood around the body
    Blood vessels
  • What is a producer?
    A living that that can make its own energy (plants)
  • What do we call the arriving ray of light?
    Incident ray
  • What is the line drawn at 90 degree angles to the mirror called?
    The normal
  • Define: the age at which a person becomes able to reproduce
  • What is the large muscle in our chest that allows air to move in and out of the lungs?
    The diaphragm muscle
  • Which side of the heart pumps blood WITHOUT oxygen to the lungs only?
    Right side
  • How many types of blood vessels are there?
  • This system carries food and oxygen to all parts of our body.
    Circulatory System